Gain and Offset Fixed Pattern Noise Correction Method in CCD Sensors
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CCD; CMOS; fixed pattern noise; satellite; sensors; star tracker;Abstract
The method that is presented in this paper uses a column shifting technique to correct the fixed pattern noise (FPN) in an image sensor. FPN is
An important parameter in imaging devices such as CCD or CMOS. CCD and CMOS sensors have widespread applications, such as star trackers,
visible and IR imaging devices. Therefore the precision improvement is an important factor in their performance. There is no simple technique to
remove FPN without any inconvenience. The proposed algorithm can reduce both, gain and offset of FPN noise. At first the gain FPN of all pixels
will be unified. Then, the same procedure applies to the offset FPN. This unification is applied using two shifted images from the scene. Comparing
other methods which need thousands of frames to reduce FPN noise, this technique is more efficient and much faster. The efficiency of proposed
algorithm has been proved by simulation results. The proposed algorithm is applied to satellite and star tracker sample images. This technique also
can be used in any camera or infrared devices that use focal arrays system to observe the scenes.