Water Resources in Drini i Bardhë River Basin, Kosova
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rainfall, fl ow, evaporation, river, evaporation coeffi cient (Ke) and feeding coeffi cient from underground waters (Ku).Abstract
In the present day world, the problems of too much, too little or too polluted water are increasing at a rapid rate. These problems
have become particularly severe for the developing countries, adversely affecting their agriculture, drinking water supply and sanitation. Water recourse management is no more just a challenger it is a declared crises [1]. Water resources in Kosova are relatively small, total amount of water in our country is small around 1600 m3/inhabitant /year [2]. Territory of Kosova is separated in four river basins: Drini i Bardhë, Ibri, Morava e Binqës and Lepenci.Drini i Bardhë river basin is in the western part of Kosova, it is the biggest river basin with surface of 4.289 km2. Drini i Bardhë discharges its water to Albania and fi nally to the Adriatic Sea [3]. The area consist of several small stream from the mountains,water fl ows into tributaries and Drini i Bardhë River. The mean run-off in the area is 141 l/s/km2, but it varies considerably (5 to 50l/s/km2), precipitation varies from 600 to 1400 mm/a.Protecting from pollution is a very important issue having in consideration that this river discharges its water and outside the territory. Hydrometeorology Institute of Kosova is in charge for monitoring of water quality.