Identification of Buildings and Roads Area in an Aerial Image by Applying Morphological Filters
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Aerial Image, Objects, Edge Detection, Morphological Operators.Abstract
Morphological filters erosion and dilation plays an important role for highlighting the buildings and roads areas in aerial images. These
filters give better results for classification of particular building and road areas in Images which are our region of interest. Image processing
is a dynamic field and in recent years it is applied in many areas like medical sciences, remote sensing, military defense system, physical
sciences and aerospace for useful purposes. This research paper focuses the study of highly resoluted aerial image of populated area. By
applying different image processing techniques on aerial images like red band extraction, edge detection, enhanced gray level, texture
features, red band replacement, binary threshold and finding the objects and classes of the image. By considering a particular range of
buildings and roads objects then reconstruct the subjected images. At the end these buildings and road areas are highlighted by applying
morphological filter erosion and dilation. We have taken the aerial image of Lahore Canal bank Road by Google earth and implemented all
the above discussed techniques on it. The implemented techniques highlighted the building and road areas with red color.