Recreational Attitudes of Konya-People According to Gender: A Survey Study
Abstract views: 123 / PDF downloads: 63Keywords:
recreation; outdoor recreation; lesiure; recreational attitude; recreational demand.Abstract
About individuals’outdoor recreation, gender is a quite determinant factor regarding to the preferences and requirements. Surveys about
this topic show that there are differentations result from the gender at the preference and tendency of the outdoor recreation and show that for
instance women participate less to the activities of outdoor recreation in general. In this research, a survey has been conducted in order to
investigate the possible differentation, results from the gender about the people’s in Konya outdoor recreation requirements and preferences.
A questionnaire was applied to 384 people living in the city and central district.At the result of survey, statistically important differentations
has been found out about the places preferred for outdoor recreation, the types of activities, how often they do these activities and in which
season generally,the reasons why not they join to activities and outdoor recreational activities they wished in the city and its vicinity.