GIS and RS Based Location Determination for GSM Transmitters to Minimize the Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution for Improving Quality of Urban Places

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  • Alper ÇABUK
  • Hakan UYGUÇGİL
  • Mehmet İNCEOĞLU


Electromagnetic pollution, electromagnetic modeling, human health, location determination, geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing (RS).


It is a common discernment that, today; mobile phones have become the most inevitable tools for human comfort and communication. As a result, an enormous number of innovations to satisfy the needs of mobile communication quality show up every day. However, there is another aspect of the matter related to the environment and human health. Both mobile phones and GSM transmitters are the sources of electromagnetic pollution. Consequently, it is considerably
necessary to minimize the negative environmental and health effects of the electromagnetic fields of GSM networks,while offering the best quality and uninterrupted mobile phone services. This study proposes a geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) supported method to determine the best and most suitable locations for erecting GSM transmitters on land, so that the coverage area is wider, the number of necessary stations is minimized and the electromagnetic pollution is decreased. Also decreasing the negative effects of electromagnetic waves caused by GSM transmitters helps healthy urban spaces and can be used as space quality parameters. Main themes of the method embrace a multidisciplinary working frame.In this article a multidisciplinary frame based method proposing a GIS supported location determination is explained.This method aims to minimize the number of base stations needed for GSM operations.




How to Cite

ÇABUK, A., KARADEMİRLER, S. N., UYGUÇGİL, H., & İNCEOĞLU, M. (2019). GIS and RS Based Location Determination for GSM Transmitters to Minimize the Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution for Improving Quality of Urban Places. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 3(3), 63–71. Retrieved from


