The Bird Fauna of Gaziantep (Turkey)

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  • Hasan Huseyin Cemali TOPRAK
  • Ozdemir ADIZEL
  • Ismail VAROL


Ornithology, Bird systematic, Ornithofauna, Gaziantep, Turkey.


In this study, it was recognized 92 species and 1 subspecies of birds which belong to 14 orders and 38 families. This study was
carried out in totally 66 fields in dates between 29.03.2003 and 06.05.2004 (almost 15 months). IUCN criteria of these species
were categorized as CR 1, EN 3, VU 7, NT 10, LC 69, DD 1, and NE 2. According to all observations, it was determined 24 winter
visitors (WV), 33 breeding species (Y-years birds-breeds regularly), 5 invasion species (T-occurs irregularly, but usually in great
numbers) and 31 breeding species (G- only summer birds). In research area, Fulica atra was observed much more than the other
species. It was determined average 8183 individuals in one day. Tyto alba, Motacilla flava, Prunella modularis, Turdus merula,
Sitta neumayer, Lanius excubitor, Emberiza cia and Emberiza striolata were run across much more less than the others.




How to Cite

TOPRAK, H. H. C., ADIZEL, O., & VAROL, I. (2019). The Bird Fauna of Gaziantep (Turkey). International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences, 2(1), 41–46. Retrieved from


